Patricia Ahner, AP, LAc


imageWelcome to my Website!

If you're looking to naturally enhance your health and take care of your body, you've come to the right place.

As a NCCAOM-certified professional, I can help you transform your vitality and your life for the better. I can help you look and feel your best. And I can help you enjoy yourself along the way.

Acupuncture has the unique ability to rebalance the body causing most dis-ease and dysfunction to resolve in a more natural way with optimal outcome... 

Back Pain, Neck, Pain, Hip Pain, Knee Pain (avoid surgery), Foot & Ankle Pain, Headaches, Anxiety, Depression, Phobias / Fears, Stress / Emotional Trauma, Whiplash injuries from falls or accidents, Pain from Shingles, Joint Pain and Stiffness, Urinary Retention, Infertility, Women's / Female Issues: PMS / Menstrual Regulation, Insomnia, Stroke, Bell's Palsy, Migraines, Acid Reflux, Sciatic Pain, Sports Injuries, Weight Loss, Allergies, Arthritis, Facial Rejuvenation without surgery, Unresolved Medical Issues, etc.

Acupuncture works with the body as a whole, affecting the root cause of long standing / chronic, unresolved health issues which are difficult to treat or affect by other means, unlike Allopathic medicine which targets the acute, superficial aspect of dysfunction, possibly at the expense of your health in other areas if continued for long term. 

To get in touch with me, just click on "Contact Me" and send me a message.

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.

Book today!

I look forward to working with you to improve your health!

Acupuncture of Greenville, SC | | 954-330-9425 (cell)

The Little Healing Room, Kelleys Island, OH: | 954-330-9425 (cell)